Portrait image of Aisha Walcott-Bryant

Aisha is a Senior Technical Staff Member and manager at IBM Research Africa - Nairobi, Kenya. She leads a team of phenomenal, brilliant researchers and engineers that use AI, Cloud, and other technologies to advance the state-of-the art in the Future of Health and Climate. Aisha has a strong interest in developing AI tools for Global Health (see her work on COVID-19 interventions, https://ibm.github.io/wntrac), and working across sectors to create innovative, sustainable AI solutions to transform emerging economies. She is also a program co-chair for ICRA'22, https://www.icra2022.org, and looking to engage the African community in AI, robotics, and automation.

AMLD Africa 2021 / Speakers

Stefano Ermon

Assistant professor, Stanford

Karim Beguir

CEO and Co-Founder, InstaDeep

Kamal Bhattacharya

Professor, IU International University

Amit Joshi

Professor of AI, Analytics and Marketing Strategy, IMD

Houcemeddine Turki

Research Assistant, Data Engineering and Semantics Research Unit

Benji Meltzer

CTO, Aerobotics

AMLD / Global partners